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12:19 - Jun. 18, 2003
when somebdy knows you well, well there's no comfort like that
you know when you find an old cd album you never used to listen to very much, and then you get it out, and play it over and over, loving the songs you never thought that much of before?

well that's just happened to me. the album in question isSiren by Heather Nova.

i don't care if that's cool or not.

someone gave me some nice advice yesterday. thank you, even though you don't read this. thank you.

last night i went home, and came to terms with the fact that, when flatsharing, someone will eat your pizza, even though it's the last bit of food you have, they will use your toothpaste, not buy milk and not do the dishes (i tried to put things in perspective but i was still vexed). me and charlie went to sainsburys and then i watched cutting it.

then i was faced with spending the rest of the evening and night, to all intents and purposes, alone. i called c, and cried when i said i didn't want to be alone. and he said he'd come over, and he did.

i'm still okay. but at night times, when there is nothing else to do but think, i need him there. i need the distraction of another body, to fill of space.

and last night he distracted me in the most intense, gasping, rush of blood to the head ways.


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